Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Birthday: Mark Twain!

Today would be Mark Twain's 176th birthday. So I thought it only fitting to post a picture of the stamp that released earlier this year. If you get a chance, check out the Google Doodle for today. They really do an awesome job!

I am slowly getting caught up with letters (hence my absense from the blog).

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Time With Family

I love the holidays! It is not because they mean good err...better/ more food..or because there are presents. I love the holidays because it is the time of year when I spend the most time with family. My brother is still here from Boston, though tonight he is visiting friends, and the rest of the family is watching a movie so I decided to sneak some internet time (I had no post scheduled for today).

How were your Thanksgivings? Well I hope. =)

Most of my family (myself included) caught a stomach flu. But the interesting thing was that it affected us each in different ways. So my father had the vomiting variety, while my mother and I just had sour stomachs and headaches. So this week has been interesting. My father was sick the beginning of the week. I was sick the day before Thanksgiving, and my mother was sick from Thanksgiving morning til today. How rotten right?

Otherwise it was lovely seeing everyone. I really do think it is a shame that we only celebrate being thankful once a year. I can find things each day to be thankful for. What are you thankful for?

And on a side note..if you are curious..I haven't written any letters this week. Which means I am crazy behind! I am going to work on some tomorrow though my guess is I wont really get any written until Monday evening. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Do You Ever Search Google Archives??

I do! After searching for a bit, I found this article that is from todays date, 1961. is about postcards! Neat huh?

Try searching their news archive can be lots of fun.

"Real" posts to come following the holidays.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Family is in Town

(We were either 4 & 5, or 5 & 6.)

My brother is coming home today from Boston. He will be here through Monday, so I may not be writing real posts until he is gone. We see each other so seldom that I like to make the most of his visits.

However, I have scheduled (WHICH I LOVE) some posts so that anyone who is a regular reader..may not even realize I am gone. Though...they aren't long posts. ( I sprained my wrist the other day and my typing is much slower as a result.)

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

48 Years Ago Today...

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Texas.
Stamp Released: May 29, 1964

He is thought to still be atop the list of best presidents (by public opinion polls). He was the youngest person ever elected into office, and at the time succeeded the oldest president (Eisenhower). However, today the oldest president who served in office was Ronald Reagan.

I was not alive (or even thought of) when President Kennedy was in office, and as such, I was not alive when he was shot. Though I must admit, I am strangely fascinated by his death. I suppose that may not be uncommon as there is a bit of mystery and (dare I say) conspiracy surrounding his assassination. I won't go into further details, though I thought I would share that little bit with you.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Postal Piggy!

Look what I sent through the mail! I am so excited to find new and unusual things to mail. Its a wonder my letter carrier hasn't left me a note that reads, "Please stop sending bizarre things. They make my coworkers slack off because they are smiling too much!" Haha.

You should try to send something random through the mail..I promise it is fun! Little pig- $1, Stamps to mail the pig- $1.71, The smiles that the pig gives everyone who comes in contact with him...PRICELESS!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Look Who Was Hitchin' a Ride..

This little guy was just sitting there scratching himself..then got up and started moving. You cannot tell from these pictures, but he actually turned and started walking along side the car! How interesting is that? I think he was probably caught out in the thunderstorms that we had the night before.

May I just say that I love my camera phone..without it, this post would have just been me telling you how awesome it was that I got to see a fox! =)

What sorts of wild animals do you see?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Covered in Stamps

See what happens when I am bored and surrounded by stamps? I was getting hand cramps because I had written so many letters in the past I decided to take a break and work on this lovely box. I am not sure what I will do with it. But I knew it had to be letter writing/stamp related. =)

More stamp projects (even a tutorial) coming soon after the holiday!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Jingle Bells...

Thats what happens when you have a wonderfully silly friend who lives an hour away! She found this bell and mailed it to me. I am sure all the letter carriers hated me by the time it was delivered. Because it does make sound. I can say, this was the first Christmas Bell that I have seen in the mail. =)

I have already found some things to mail..and hopefully one of them will get there today...that way I can share it with you!

If you knew that you wouldn't get into trouble..what weird object would you attempt to mail someone without a box?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ever Wondered How Stamps Are Made?

I watched this video twice. How It's Made is actually one of my favorite shows to watch, and this was just up my alley. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Valentine Postcard Fabric

I recently went to a quilters de-stash with my mother and grandmother. I didn't have much luck finding anything of real interest there. I picked up a few bits of fabric and some embroidery floss because never know when you may need it.

The following week we decided to try this going out of business sale. My mother quilts and is always on the lookout for good deals on fabric. I knew there wouldn't be much to look at, but still went because I enjoy spending time with them both. Three generations of us wild and crazy women shopping together.

Well as they looked around I decided to wander and dig in some of the bins they had. The store had put smaller remnants of fabric in plastic baggies and then thrown them into the bins. Most of the baggies were full of print fabrics, like one that was from a colonial women series. Basically made to look like red-work was printed directly onto the fabric.

Well..look what I saved from the bins!!

There are around 25 of these vintage designs, they are all Valentines designs from what I can tell.
Here is the back of the postcards. Though it would have to be pieced together as it is not printed on reverse of each card.

Now I just have to figure out what to do with them. Any suggestions??

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Music Box

Yet another thrift store find..
It's a wee little desk with...well...
.. a typewriter and a pen and paper on it.
The best part is..the music box plays perfectly. If anyone is curious it plays "9 to 5". A great song, and a great piece to add to my ever growing collection of writing/postal themed things.

Monday, November 14, 2011

16 Pointed Star

I'm getting into the Christmas mood! (Dont mind the Spongebob PJ's)

Cup Mail

I have another object to add to the list of mail that did not come in an envelope or box...
A cup! And not just any cup..but a Halloween themed cup! Or..well..vampires. Close enough right? many people can say they have been mailed a "naked" cup?
It did arrive in less than perfect condition, but I tell adds character. I am shocked they still delivered it. Either neat? Limner knows how to make me smile. all make me smile.

It makes me giggle inside (and out loud sometimes too) when people step outside the "boxed" in world of mail. This is actually the topic of my first zine. But more about that in a post to be coming up. =)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fun Mail!

Look at this fun postcard from Kelly P.! This is probably the most crummy picture ever! It really doesn't do it justice. Carter joked that I had gotten a piece of cookie monster in the mail. And in a does look vaguely like that adorable cookie lover...
Then another round mail from Mad Madge. I just love the mixed media approach.
And as always there is a nice bit of inspiration on the front..or back..or..well..there is always inspiration! Haha.

What kind of fun mail have you gotten recently?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Stamp Puzzle

While thrifting last week I came upon an awesome puzzle

Pretty neat huh? Can you tell what all those little things are?
How about now? you must know! I swear sometimes I feel like I have philatelic radar! Or maybe my mother taught me to look at every little thing. Dig in bins, under piles of stuff..look through drawers. You never know what may be lurking.

I am thinking of putting it together in the coming weeks (if I ever get caught up with the mail). My only problem is preserving it. I think it would make a nice wall piece, but I have never had much luck with glue in the past. It tends to warp the puzzle.

Anyone have suggestions?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

I think about our servicemen and women each and every day, to me every day is Veteran's Day. My Great Grandfather, multiple uncles and even my father were all part of the armed services. So today, take the time to thank a Veteran.

Here are some postage stamps for your viewing pleasure:

To see more military themed stamps you can check here. They have a nice listing of them..and you can even purchase some if you'd like. =)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Special Cancellation: Nicholas Biddle

If you are looking for an interesting way to use one of your Civil War stamps, why not send away for this interesting postmark?

The Leesport Post Office in Leesport PA will be issuing special cancellations until around the end of the month. This cancellation was actually given out at a stamp show, but most special cancellations are also available at the local PO for 30 days afterwards.

This postmark will feature Nicholas Biddle who was a slave during the civil war and according to some sources the first person to be injured in the Civil War. I highly recommend clicking on his name and reading more about him. It is quite fascinating.

Here is the address:

Leesport Post Office
C/O Postmaster
4 East Wall Street
Leesport, PA 19533

Again, I usually include a post-it explaining that I want the special cancellation.

Making Your Own Envelopes and Books

I had two requests this past week for me to post another tutorial on how to make your own envelopes. So I dug through my archive and found the ones I had already written up. I would make a new one..(I actually have an idea for a new envelope/mailer/awesomeness *coming soon*) but they are time consuming, and really one post on it is enough. So here are some helpful links to previous posts on the subject.

Making your own envelopes
Envelope Book 1
Envelope Book 2

If your are still having trouble, you can try youtube-ing the subject. I am sure there are quite a few videos out there. Perhaps I will add to that when I do my next tutorial...

Until then, I hope these links are helpful to those who are interested. =)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mystery Postcards

I thought this was rather clever:

I love a good mystery. =)
Then the next day I got this one..

The doll on the front (Blythe) is pretty creepy, but otherwise I am amused by these cards. The only question..err...mystery (if you will) is who the sender is. Though, until they decide to reveal themselves..I want them to know that I am very much enjoying their mystery cards. =)

Have you ever gotten a mystery in the mail?

Special Cancellation: 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor

The West Point post office will be offering a special cancellation on December 7, 2011 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the bombing on Pearl Harbor. If you are interested in getting this cancellation you need to send your already stamped mail inside of a larger envelope to this address:

West Point Post Office
C/O Postmaster
634 Swift Rd
West Point, NY 10996

I usually include a post-it letting them know that I am looking for the special postmark.

This time around I will be sending envelopes with this stamp on them:

I thought it was rather fitting. =)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pledge to Write One Letter a Month

Will you pledge to write one letter a month?

You don't have to put in your phone number. Just thought I would let you know in case anyone is confused by that.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Modest Peacock

I recently entered a giveaway at the Modest Peacock's (Jenny) blog. She was giving away some lovely peacock cards and envies made by Punch Studios. Aren't they lovely?? I was delighted with what showed up. She even through in a few extras like a peacock feather and some leaf stickers! (Of course I didn't think to photograph them.)

I highly recommend you stop by her blog. She is currently doing 52 Weeks of Mail, which for those who do not know means that she will be sending at least one letter every week! Neat huh? And besides, her blog header is really awesome. (Now you just have to visit!)

Holiday Mail Deadlines

The USPS has released the deadlines for all mail outgoing before the Christmas holiday. (It is never too early to think about this.)

Rather than copy the whole post, I will give the domestic deadlines, and you can look here for all the rest.

First Class- December 20
Priority Mail- December 21
Express Mail- December 22
Parcel Post- December 15
DNDC Drop Ship- December 19
DDU Drop Ship- December 22

DNDC stands for Destination Network Distribution Center. I couldn't quickly locate what DDU stands for..any help would be appreciated.

If anyone is curious..all the holiday packages I have to mail are being mailed out before the end of November. Mainly because December gets a bit crazy here...and I don't want my packages to get lost among the mess of holiday goodness. =)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Penguin Letter Carrier

How do you like this little guy? I modified a pattern from Disney's FamilyFun magazine. Cute huh?

Smooshed Thumb

Guess who attempted to lop her thumb off today...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Interesting Mail

You ever make something that you want to share on here..but then aren't sure how to? I mean..there is something I have whipping up for a friend. I want to be able to share it on the blog..but I want it to be a surprise. Hmm.. Well..I suppose it will have to wait. So why not share with you a lovely envelope I got from Rin at Papered Thoughts?
Look at all those goodies!! I was so excited to see them all, especially the library cards because well...we don't see too many of them anymore. She also sent me a list of books she enjoyed! How neat! I will have to write up my list for her. =)

I will definitely be sending her something back. And if you haven't already, check out her blog and her Etsy store!

This is from my personal collection. I found this at a flea market..and I really would love to know what company made them. (Mainly because I really want some of them!!) So if anyone can find me the manufacturer I will find some way to make it up to you. Just ask Ashley (who won the guess Carter's Halloween costume giveaway) I send really neat things to winners!

Thanks everyone! I hope your mailboxes are fat and happy! If you are expecting a response from me..I am almost caught up completely!! YAY!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Today I met a wonderful man who is a stamp collector. He also happens to be from Latvia, and told me all about Latvian postage. It was wonderful learning from him. I wish I could recall more of what he told me about. But he mentioned to me that the mittens featured on this stamp are extremely warm and very common there.

You never know who you will run into in the library!