Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How about a Hodge-Podge Post?

Well there was very little to write about this evening. No interesting historical facts for you today. BUT...as always I think I can come up with a little bit to share.

I am sure at least a few of your are aware of the Orphaned Postcard Project that is hosted by Postmuse. Well today I have come across another blogger who is hosting an orphaned postcard project of her own. Emilie is using her blog to get the word out about her project which centers around Penguin Postcards. She is asking that anyone who adopts a postcard of a novel to have read it beforehand. That way you can write a little something on the back about the book. Though there are some non-novels as well and anyone can request to adopt those ones. (Personally I emailed asking to adopt Scootering: A Handbook...cause that is just funny.) I know you want to help Emilie out..and if you havent already help out Postmuse as well. =)

And the final thing I wanted to talk about was the mailing of random objects. I found a website where they talk of sending those plastic eggs through the post with nothing but a label and some stamps on the outside. How cool is that?? Totally makes me want to mail something like that to someone.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a good mail day...now off to respond to some more people. =)

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