Inside of that wonderful penguin can is a note, IN THE SHAPE OF A FISH!! Get it? Penguins eat fish of course. She is a very smart and crafty person! Can you believe this was her first attempt at mail art? Or mailing a non-traditional object?
Along with the note came two Pittsburgh Penguins headbands. They are made of a fleece and are from the Winter Classic game that Brad and I went to two years ago. They actually match my gloves that Brad bought me at the game. My hands were cold and he is yeah. Anyway, there are two of them. One for me and one for Brad. Now we can roll around in style!
Now all I gotta do is try to figure out what to mail back in return. Hm...Any suggestions?
Mail back a fish with a penguin in it.haha this is a very neat piece of incoming mail.