Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So originally after a comment I had received from Dave I was going to run through the steps on how to make sweet envelope books. However, as the day wore on today my head just started pounding. So needless to say I am feeling less than up to it tonight. (Though I promise to write one out for tomorrow's post...I have the day off.)

But of course I couldn't let a headache stop me from saying something about the postal service. Today they announced that they will stop delivering mail to Libya due to lack of transports heading in and out of the country. Unless you are living under a rock, you probably have seen something about this in the news. And if you actually HAVE been living under a rock..well..I apologize and leave you with this link.

Cheers everyone!


  1. Thank you!! I am feeling much better today. Currently setting up so I can snap some pics to show everyone envelope books!
